Form 74—Reclamation of Property

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Form 74

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(Subsection 81(4) of the Act)

(All notices or correspondence regarding this claim are to be forwarded to the following address: Space to insert address )

I, Space to insert name of claimant, of the Space to insert organisation of Space to insert company in the Province of Space to insert province ,

do hereby certify:

  1. That I am the claimant, (or That I am) Space to insert name of claimant

    Space to insert position or title
    (State position or title)


    Space to insert name of claimant
    (Name of claimant)

  2. That I have knowledge of all the circumstances connected with the claim referred to below.
  3. That on the Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month Space to insert year, the debtor made an assignment (or a bankruptcy order was made against the debtor or the debtor filed a notice of intention or a proposal).
  4. That, on that date, the property enumerated in the document(s) attached and marked "A" (and "B") was in the possession of the bankrupt, and still remains in the possession of the bankrupt and (or) the trustee.
  5. That the claimant hereby claims that property, or interest or right in it, by virtue of the document(s) attached and marked "A" (and "B"), namely:

    (Set out the particulars of all documents serving as proof of the claim, giving

    • (i) the grounds on which the claim is based, and
    • (ii) sufficient particulars to enable the property to be identified; if the particulars do not appear on the face of the documents, attach an additional statement marked "B" setting them forth.)
  6. That the claimant is entitled to demand from the trustee the return of the property enumerated in these document(s).
  7. That I hereby demand that the trustee return to me (or to the claimant whom I represent) the property enumerated in the document(s) within the 15 days after the filing of this form, or within the 15 days after the first meeting of the creditors of the debtor, whichever is the later.

Sworn (or Solemnly declared)

before me at Space to insert city, town of village (city, town or village)

in the Province of Space to insert name of province,

on this Space to insert day of month day of Space to insert month Space to insert year .

Space to insert Commissioner of Oaths
Commissioner of Oaths
Space to insert signature of claimant
Signature of Claimant

for the Province of Space to insert name of province


Subsection 201(1) of the Act prescribes severe penalties for making any false claim, declaration or statement of account.